Help Text Inference

Cappa tries to infer help text from a variety of sources, preferring them in descending order of priority:

  • An explicit help= argument

  • A PEP-727 Doc annotation

  • The class docstring argument description

If none of the above sources produce help text, no description will be rendered.

Explicit help=

All of Command, Subcommand, and Arg accept a help argument, which will take priority over any other existent form of help text inference.

from typing import Annotated
import cappa

@cappa.command(help='Command help')
class Command:
    arg: Annotated[str, Arg(help='Arg help')]
    arg: Annotated[Sub, cappa.Subcommand(help='Subcommand help')]

PEP-727 Doc annotation

PEP-727 proposes adding a typing.Doc object, in an attempt to standardize the location tooling must handle in order to find documentation. If accepted, this is currently targeted to land in python 3.13.

As of typing_extensions version 4.8.0, there exists a typing_extensions.Doc object, which preemptively will fall back to the typing definition if defined.

If PEP-727 is ultimately rejected, this variant may or may not be abruptly removed, it would entirely depend upon typing_extensions’s reaction to the rejection.

When found, a Doc annotation will be used to infer help text, unless explicitly overridden by a help= argument.

from typing import Annotated
from typing_extensions import Doc
import cappa

class Command:
    arg: Annotated[str, Doc('Arg help')]

Class Docstring Parsing


Docstring parsing is provided by the docstring-parser dependency. You can include this dependency through cappa with the docstring extra (cappa[docstring]).

In the event other sources of help text are not found, the command class’ docstring will be parsed, supporting either Google or Numpy styles of docstring formatting.

  • The short and long docstring descriptions are inferred as extended command-level help text

  • Argument descriptions are inferred from the arguments list within the docstring

from typing import Annotated
import cappa

class Command:
    arg: Annotated[str, Doc('Arg help')]
class Example:
    """Example CLI.

    With some long description.

        foo: The number of foos
    foo: int

would produce something like the following help text:

Usage: [-h]

Example CLI. With some long description.

Positional Arguments:
  foo                  The number of foos