
All of the documentation uses dataclasses specifically, because it is built into the standard library since python 3.7.

With that said, any dataclass-like class description pattern should be able to be supported with relatively little effort. Today Cappa ships with adapters for:

Additionally the default and/or default_factory options defined by each of the above libraries is used to infer CLI defaults.


You can opt to @cappa.command(...) with or without the double-decorator.


@cappa.command(...) works without the @dataclass decorator at runtime, because it detects whether the class is one of the supported types (dataclasses, pydantic, attrs), and adds @dataclass to the declared class automatically, if one is not detected.

So long as you use a a PEP681 compliant type checker (e.g. pyright, Mypy>=1.2).


Finally, dataclasses and attrs both allow a metadata. You can optionally utilize that metadata field to supply Arg and Subcommand instances, as an alternative to using Annotated.

The following snippets of code are equivalent:

arg: Annotated[str, cappa.Arg(short=True, help='help!')]

# vs

arg: str = dataclasses.field(metadata={'cappa': cappa.Arg(short=True, help='help!')})
# same with attrs